BONDIC Starter Plus

BONDIC® is the worldwide first UV repair system with light-curing plastic

BONDIC® Starter contains:

  • BONDIC light-curing plastic (4 g cartridge refill)
  • BONDIC clip for LED
  • BONDIC metall box
Quantity Unit price
To 2 20.95€ *
From 3 20.50€ *
From 5 19.95€ *

Prices incl. German VAT plus shipping costs. Depending on the shipment address, VAT and therefore final price can vary at payment.

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Delivery time Germany 2-3 days, other countries 6-10 days

BONDIC® - THE ORIGINAL - Fix it, repair it, connect it, model it

BONDIC is the wordwide first innovative UV repair system with light-curing plastic!

  • BONDIC works, where normal adhesive failed! It is not a glue!
  • BONDIC repairs, fix, models, connects – even small things!
  • BONDIC works with any material: plastic (not suitable for polythylene), wood, metal, and even fabric!
  • BONDIC is fast: fill and layer, cure with the UV ligt – ready in only 4 - 5 seconds!
  • BONDIC works for years and does not dry out!

BONDIC – Many uses

Bondic - the UV repair system with a variety of uses! Bondic can be used in many ways in the household, in the workshop, in the creative sector or in model making. FIXED IN SECONDS.

1. PREPARATION The breakage must be clean, grease free, e.g. with rubbing alcohol and roughened best.

2. APPLY Apply Bondic and align the construction.

3. HARDENING Harden the Bondic with the help of the LED lamp (3-8 seconds, Bondic hardens only under UV light).

4. MODELING For larger volume constructions, apply Bondic in layers. (The thickness of a layer is about 1-1.5 mm)

5. DONE After use, close the Bondic Pen and store in the metal box, protected from light. Bondic is solvent-free, so it does not dry out.

One application for Bondic, for example, is a broken temples. First, the break point should be cleaned with degreasing cleaning alcohol. Bondic is then applied layer by layer and each layer cured with the Bondic LED until the desired strength and stability is achieved. By fixing with the UV-LED, the plastic is cured in a few moments, the glasses are immediately ready for use and the break point can be loaded normally.






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BONDIC ® - THE ORIGINAL - Fix it, repair it, connect it, model it BONDIC is the... more
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Hersteller (und verantwortliche Person) / Manufacturer (and responsible person) / Producteur (et personne responsable) / Produttore (e persona responsabile)

VIKO UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Flurstr. 38
D-85402 Kranzberg

Warn- und Sicherheitshinweise / Warning and safety information / Avertissements and précautions / Avvertenze e istruzioni di sicurezza

H317 Kann allergische Hautreaktionen verursachen / H319 Verursacht schwere Augenreizung / H411 Giftig für Wasserorganismen mit langfristiger Wirkung 
P101 Ist ärztlicher Rat erforderlich, Verpackung bereithalten / P102 Darf nicht in die Hände von Kindern gelangen /  P261 Einatmen vermeiden 
P273 Freisetzung in die Umwelt vermeiden / P280 Schutzhandschuhe tragen / P333+313 Bei Hautreizung ärztlichen Rat einholen
P321 Besondere Behandlung (siehe das Kennzeichnungsetikett) / P501 Inhalt/Behälter der Entsorgung zuführen
EUH204 Enthält Isocyanate. Kann allergische Reaktionen hervorrufen
H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction / H319 Causes serious eye irritation / H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects
P101 If medical advice is needed, have product container at hand / P102 Keep out of reach of children / P261 Avoid inhalation / P273 Avoid release to the environment 
P280 Wear protective gloves / P333+313 If skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice / P321 Special treatment (see the label) 
P501 Dispose of contents/container to hazardous waste collection point
EUH204 Contains isocyanates. May cause an allergic reaction
H317 Peut provoquer une réaction allergique cutanée / H319 Provoque une sévère irritation des yeux / H411 Toxique pour les organismes aquatiques, entraîne des effets néfastes à long terme.
P101 Si un avis médical est requis, garder l'emballage à portée de main / P102 Conserver hors de portée des enfants / P261 Éviter l'inhalation
P273 Éviter le rejet dans l'environnement / P280 Porter des gants de protection / P333+313 En cas d'irritation cutanée, consulter un médecin.
P321 Traitement spécial (voir l'étiquette) / P501 Éliminer le contenu/récipient
EUH204 Contient des isocyanates. Peut provoquer des réactions allergiques
H317 Può provocare una reazione allergica della pelle / H319 Provoca grave irritazione oculare / H411 Tossico per gli organismi acquatici con effetti di lunga durata
P101 In caso di consultazione medica, tenere a portata di mano il contenitore del prodotto / P102 Conservare fuori dalla portata dei bambini / P261 Evitare l'inalazione
P273 Evitare la dispersione nell'ambiente / P280 Usare guanti protettivi / P333+313 In caso di irritazione della pelle, consultare il medico
P321 Trattamento speciale (vedere l'etichetta) / P501 Smaltire il contenuto/il contenitore nel punto di raccolta dei rifiuti pericolosi.
EUH204 Contiene isocianati. Può provocare una reazione allergica


Hersteller (und verantwortliche Person) / Manufacturer (and responsible person) / Producteur... more

Yes - works very well indeed for small area connections e.g. glasses or earphone frames etc. Very high tensile strength.

The UV lamp needs to be very close (almost touching the bond point) to initiate the curing process. Very useful product.

Very useful indeed but for particular uses
This product is a gel that you dispense through a fine tip. When exposed to the UV light for a few seconds it polymerizes into a hard clear to opaque plastic. So for surface cracks, small plastic pieces, surface gaps etc basically where the UV light can reach to it works. If the light cannot reach to the gel then it's of no use. So for particular uses it is very useful indeed.

It works
Works nicely

Really a filler not a glue - but for the right application, works a treat. Keep in the dark!
I saw a review of this product on Yoohoo-Tube shows that it's not really a glue but a plastic filler similar to what your dentist uses to fill teeth.I popped the info in the back of my mind

Six months later, I was presented with a pair of partially rimless glasses with a broken nylon chord that holds in the lenses. The chord had been bonded into the frame and therefore had to be drilled out. Having watched more yoohoo-Tube videos on the subject my repair was not going to be quite so straight forward.

Chosing the right thickness Nylon cord is important to run in the groove in the lens (to ensure a tight fit) and not surprisingly the drilled hole was somewhat wider than the original chord. Just running the chord up into the frame didn't hold it - even with a knot.

Bondic to the rescue in that I could tie a knot in the Nylon chord at one end and seal into the frame with a blob of Bondic that you then harden in place with the UV. The chord needs to run tight in the lens so I had a couple of attempts to position the second knot in the right position - just within the frame when pulled tight with some thin nosed pliers and then adding a blob of Bondic with the lens in place. Whilst tensioning the nylon chord, I hardened the Bondic with the UV - only takes a couple of seconds. Excess chord/Bondic was filed/sanded to give a smooth and invisible finish.

Absolutely Brilliant
I bought this a stand by adhesive and 3 months after purchase someone reversed into the back of my car and smashed the rear light lens. While waiting for the replacement light unit I used the adhesive to stick some of the larger broken pieces of the plastic lens back on the light fitting and was pleasantly surprised at just how good the adhesive is. Brilliant stuff.

Great for modelling correction
Perfect. Liquid resin great for filling in those horrid cracks on models ( like warhammer ) - the UV light cures the resin quickly and painlessly allowing it to be filed or sanded.
Small nib for accurate positioning

Works a treat. Clever stuff!
Believe the hype. This actually delivers in spades. Suddenly all those little fixit jobs become enjoyable. UV light cures instantly, so make sure you’re ready. A few practice goes with 1p coins and then i was ready.

Bondic Yes - works very well indeed for small area connections e.g. glasses or earphone frames... more

BONDIC Questions and Answers

What is the difference between BONDIC® and conventional adhesives?
Can BONDIC® harden in places with no light?
Can I replace instant adhesives with BONDIC®?
Can BONDIC® be handled by children?
Can I use BONDIC® for all temperatures?
Can I seal containers with BONDIC® (cracks, fissures)?
Can I modify BONDIC® constructions by adding more material (BONDIC®) to them later?
Can I process BONDIC® after it hardens (milling, polishing, varnishing)?
Can I connect parts with BONDIC® with a very small contact surfaces?
Can I sheath objects applied with BONDIC® to boost stability?
How can BONDIC® be removed from smooth surfaces?
Can I dye BONDIC® before curing?
Can I use BONDIC® as a insulating material?
Can I use BONDIC® on damp surfaces or under water?
Can I use BONDIC® to fix stone-chipping on my windshield?
What happens to BONDIC® left outdoor?
How long can BONDIC® be used in the closed cartridge?
How long is the shelf life of the LED?
For how many applications the 4 g cartridge lasts?
Is BONDIC® dishwasher safe?
Can I use BONDIC® for connecting objects which are relative to one another in motion after repair?

What is the difference between BONDIC® and conventional adhesives?
With adhesive in general you can glue two perfectly matching parts. However it is unable to replace broken parts or to perform 3D designs. Adhesive also cures quickly in air and requires pressure. BONDIC® also has an adhesive effect, but is also repairs, replaces, models and insulates and exactly at the time it has to!

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Can BONDIC® harden in places with no light?
No, BONDIC® can only harden when exposed to light of a specific wavelenght. At least one of the two bonded parts has to be translucent.

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Can I replace instant adhesives with BONDIC®?
No. BONDIC® has completely different properties than classic superglue. BONDIC® is more a modeling material with a controllable adhesive force.

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Can BONDIC® be handled by children?
There is no risk of skin sticking uncontrollably and dangerously. Even so we recommend you only let children over 12-13 years handle this.

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Can I use BONDIC® for all temperatures?

BONDIC® can be used in a temperature range from around -30 degrees Celsius to + 120 °C. Even when cured, BONDIC® is heat-resistant up to 120 °C, but at such high temperatures it should be noted that the strength is no longer as high as at room temperature. 

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Can I seal containers with BONDIC® (cracks, fissures)?
Yes, BONDIC® is suitable for sealing almost all kinds of materials. You have to work in layers and make sure that the first layer goes inside the crack or hole to get a perfect lining. More layers will secure the site and lead to a sustainable repair.

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Can I modify BONDIC® constructions by adding more material (BONDIC®) to them later?
Yes, applying a fresh coat of BONDIC® on an already hardened coat does not pose a problem. Go ahead and use as much as you want whenever you want.

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Can I process BONDIC® after it hardens (milling, polishing, varnishing)?
Yes, BONDIC® can be worked on subsequently using all conventional methods. Use the BONDIC® rasp for this (part of one of the sets). You can give the BONDIC® surface any desired structure and carry on with a priming coat followed by perfect varnishing or paint work.

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Can I connect parts with BONDIC® with a very small contact surfaces?
Yes, BONDIC® is excellent for joints with extremely small contact surfaces in almost all materials. Even "point to point" fixing without applying the slightest pressure is possible.
By applying additional layers, the stability can be significantly and sustainably improved.

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Can I sheath objects applied with BONDIC® to boost stability?
Yes, the option of layering material renders overlapping and sheathing. This radically enhances firmness and stability; in some cases it even enables it in the first place.

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How can BONDIC® be removed from smooth surfaces?
We recommend the use of scrapers meant for ceramic hobs. Giving the BONDIC® a short, sharp shove from the side, dislodges it cleanly from the base. Any remnants left behind can be easily removed with conventional cleaners.

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Can I dye BONDIC® before curing?
Yes, BONDIC liquid can be dyed by acrylic color micro particles (color powder). Use a toothpick and load just the tip with color powder and mix it with a drop of BONDIC®. Please note that this causes a longer curing time and it is recommended to reduce the thickness of each layer.

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Can I use BONDIC® as a insulating material?
Yes, BONDIC® is a perfect insulating material on low voltage circuits only. BONDIC® must not be used in heavy current! Please note that BONDIC® is no replacement of any kind of solder!

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Can I use BONDIC® on damp surfaces or under water?
Yes, as long as the surface is just wet and not greasy you can achieve a full setting and an adhesion depending on the surface structure. E.g. you can attach objects on the inner side of a water filled jar or even an aquarium etc.

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Can I use BONDIC® to fix stone-chipping on my windshield?
Yes, clean the site and fill it up with BONDIC® in two to three layers. Please note that BONDIC® got a different optical refraction than glass. The repair of damages within your visibility filed is not recommended and generally this is just an emergency solution.

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What happens to BONDIC® left outdoor?
BONDIC® is resistant against sunlight after hardening. Depending on the environmental conditions it could change the color to slight yellow.

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How long can BONDIC® be used in the closed cartridge?
BONDIC® has a shelf life of one year at least at room temperature. However we assume a longer shelf life, as the liquid is completely protected in the black cartridge and the tin. After long periods (much more than one year), the liquid may take a slightly yellow color. But in any case BONDIC® does not become hard or dry like normal glue if it comes into contact with air. Requirement is a light-protected storage.

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How long is the shelf life of the LED?
The shelf life of the LED is – similar to other battery-operated flashlights – six to eight hours. But you need the LED always for just a few seconds!

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For how many applications the 4 g cartridge lasts?
Of course, this depends very much on the type of your application. You have about 70 drops at your disposal, so you can either repair a dozen charging cables, fix 70 glass stones for decoration or a complete cartridge is the last rescue for a pipe damage. Depending on!

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Is BONDIC® dishwasher safe?
Once it is fully cured, BONDIC® is 100% waterproof. Just make sure, that the connection is strong enough to resist the pressure in the dishwasher.

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Can I use BONDIC® for connecting objects which are relative to one another in motion after repair?
Yes, up to a certain limit of course. BONDIC® maintains a certain flexibility after getting cured. Depending on your construction a test is required and recommended firstly.

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BONDIC Questions and Answers What is the difference between BONDIC® and conventional... more